This is a new blog for me. It come from my frustration of finding fashionable clothing that fits my 5" tall body. I know there are a lot of short girls out there, so join in the chat about stylish "little women."
I love parties, entertaining and decorating - stop by my other blog - Entertain Exchange
My party sharing web site!
Hi there. Greetings from Miami, FL. I'm five foot two!
I'm stopping by to toss confetti, pull up a virtual chair and party with you. Let's have some fun!
I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse. Plus, I've got my first giveaway too. I hope you'll surf on over and say hello.
It's you're the tweetin' kind, I'm @Dayngr on twitter.
I'm stopping by from the UBP10! I, too, am a short girl. I'm 5'3". And not ONLY am I short, but I just had a baby so I'm also WIDE. Sucks!!!
Happy UBP! I'm 6 foot tall, we'd be a good pair, next to each other huh??
AHHHHHHHH I LOVE your blog title, hehe, I have been struggling since I was 13 to ever find clothes that fit. I am 4"10, by military standards, I was only 4"9 but I round up! What's even more fun, is find maternity clothes for my 4"10 self! I will definitly be following along :D I am stopping by from the ubp10, I am over @ if you wanna stop by and see my "short" little world lol
I know there are a lot of us out there. We need to come together and force the fashion industry into make us fashionable clothes that fit. Thanks to all who are stopping by!
I love your two sites! Wow! You KNOW how to throw a party!!! Thanks for having me over. :)
Hi, from the UBP. Love your sites!
Hi from UBP10 nice layout visit me
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